Start Accepting Credit Cards, Bank Transfers
and PayPal Payments Today, with the
ELM Shopping Cart

The ELM Shopping Cart is a user-friendly, full-featured shopping cart that’s pre-integrated with PayPal. The ELM Shopping Cart offers all the tools you need to build a successful online store.
- No installation, just turn the Shopping Cart feature on, on any page
- Multiple language, currency, and tax support
- Powerful administration tool
- Set up a PayPal Business or Premier account.
Only Business or Premier account holders can receive PayPal payments using ELM Shopping Cart.
Sign up now for a new PayPal account
Sign up for an ELM Shopping Cart
All websites hosted on the ELM & Associates Content Management System are already pre-integrated with PayPal.
Sign up now for the ELM Shopping Cart
- Setup your cart
All you need to do to start it is to select the Shopping Cart feature from the built in webpage editor, then add your PayPal account id and add your inventory to the shopping cart. You can add as may items to your Shopping Cart as you like. Plus you can use the Shopping Cart feature on as many web pages as you like. This allows you to organize your items by category. To see the Shopping Cart in action please visit Easy Software Products.
- Open your online store for business.
You’re ready to process customer payments and receive money into your PayPal account.
Shopping Cart Screen:

The Screen Capture below is of items in the Cart. Your customers stay on your website for the entire shopping experience until they are ready to check out. At that time the entire contents of the shopping cart is uploaded to PayPal where the, shipping and tax if applicable are added. Your customers do not have to be PayPal members to complete the transactions. PayPal accepts Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover Card, Bank ATM cards and PayPal funds.
The greatest thing about this approach is that PayPal is responsible for the entire Credit Card transaction.
View Cart Screen:
Another value add, the website search is integrated into your shopping cart. Visitors to your website can search from any page on the website, including non Shopping Cart pages, and the results of the search includes items from your Shopping Cart's inventory.
Search Results Screen: